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How to Get a Free Laptop with Food Stamps (Try This First!)

Free Laptop With Food Stamps
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Today’s article will guide you on How to Get a Free Laptop With Food Stamps in 2023. With the increasing requirements for digital connectivity, gadgets like laptops, mobile phones, computers, etc., have gained tremendous importance. The prevailing pandemic has made almost the entire world shift to an online mode of conduct.

This gave rise to the need to use technology gadgets like computers, laptops, mobile phones, and the much-needed internet connection. However, it is not possible for everyone to afford an expensive laptop or other gadgets to get internet connectivity.

But with the alarming importance of using such devices and the aim to mitigate the digital divide, many government programs, Non-government, non-profit organizations, and private organizations lend a helping hand to those in need.

Some of these organizations’ eligibility criteria include those with SNAP program assistance or food stamps. Low-income families and needy people who have SNAP assistance or food stamps fall under the low-income category as per federal government guidelines.

So if you are already enrolled for and receiving food stamps, you can also get a free laptop with food stamps. If you want to know more about this, you can follow the in-depth article below.

How to Get a Free Laptop With Food Stamps in 2023

Anyone would want to get a free laptop Using Food Stamps. It might not seem possible at all, but it sure is. As well are all aware of the increasing importance of laptops and digital connectivity, the government is also not lacking support for this good cause.

The government, mainly through its EBB program, helps people get laptops and free internet services. You can get more information about How to Get a Free Laptop With Food Stamps below.

Free Laptop Providers With Food Stamps

How to Get Free Laptop With Food Stamps

Below are the organizations through which you can get a free laptop with food stamps. Almost all the below organizations will help you by providing a free laptop with food stamps. Make sure that you check their eligibility criteria carefully and then apply for these programs.

On It Foundation Free Laptop For Low Income

Starting with one of the most well-known charity organizations – The On It Foundation, is known to work to eradicate the issue of the digital divide. As we all know, laptops, other similar gadgets, and the internet have become a need of the hour for all. It is certainly not possible that everyone will be able to afford such expensive gadgets.

And with the conduct of life – work, and education, mainly shifting to the online mode, it has become all the more essential to have a laptop. Such a situation has created a problem of the digital divide. Thus, this organization offers free laptops to those who do not have enough money to bridge this gap.

The low-income families and individuals can contact the On It Foundation to get free laptops and computers since the organization aims to deliver the same to those in need. For this program, the students are given the topmost priority.

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Parents can also apply on behalf of their children. For a student’s application form, you will have to mention the name and age of the student along with their school name and grade. If any other information is asked, that needs to be filled in.


Adaptive.org is a not-for-profit organization that works toward offering free laptops and computers to low-income families whose kids need them. The applicant must be ready for 10 hours of community service to get the free laptop.

If you are ready for community service, you will be eligible for a free laptop for low-income families. You can get more information about this organization and its program through its official website.

Alliance For Technology

When it comes to digitalization, there will always be the issue of a digital divide between people who can and cannot afford the expensive digital gadgets needed to access Technology and internet services. To mitigate this divide, various organizations like Alliance For Technology help people out with access to Technology and gadgets.

Alliance For Technology is an organization that has collaborations with various organizations like Computer Reach, Electronic Access Foundation, Interconnection, Virginia Star, and so on. This organization aims to bridge the gap between digitization and traditional ways through such tie-ups.

PCs For People

Yet another one of popular organization is PCs For People, a non-profit organization that focuses on educating the less fortunate people by giving them access to laptops and computers having high-speed internet.

As the pandemic has caused a high rise in the use of laptops and computers, the organization is continuously doing its best to offer internet along with computers and laptops to help low-income and needy families and individuals.

If you are willing to seek help from this organization, you must ensure you are eligible. You can check their official website for the latest updates and criteria of eligibility.

Generally, to be eligible for this program, you will have to be under the poverty line of 200%. You should also be enrolled in federal government income-based assistance programs, like food stamps.

Computer With Causes

One well-known organization that offers free laptops and computers is the Computer with Causes institution. This organization helps low-income families and students, teachers, the elderly, parents, and disabled people get free laptops and computers.

To provide free laptops and Computers to those in need, the organization verifies and evaluates the need of those applying and conducts a background investigation so that limited resources are offered to those in need.

One can apply for their program through their official website and then fill out the application form. This form should have all of your necessary information and is true. Since the information provided is later on verified, it is better to submit truthful information.

Everyone On Free Laptop For Low Income

Everyone On is an organization that works in all fifty states of the US. It aims to provide free laptops and computers to low-income families having an income of less than $35,000. They have refurbished computers offered at a low cost and a few new gadgets. They also offer cheap internet service through their program for low-income families.

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Human I-T

Another well-known non-profit organization is the Human I-T, known to bridge the gap between those having access to Technology and those who do not have access. They ensure everyday access to primary electronic gadgets and the internet.

This institution supports the government’s EBB program by providing huge discounts on laptops and high-speed internet. To participate in this program, you must fill in an application form with the necessary information. You can get more information by calling (562) 372-6925.

National Cristina Foundation

Yet another one of the most well-known organizations working for a good cause is the National Cristina Foundation. This foundation works intending to make Technology affordable and accessible to the less fortunate people who would otherwise be unable to do so.

It is one of the first foundations working in the technology area. It was established in the year 1984 and since then has been striving to mitigate the technological divide among the people and promote human potential.

Microsoft Registered Refurbishers

As the name suggests, this program is by Microsoft, a well-established technology company. Through Microsoft Registered Refurbishers, you can get refurbished computers and laptops. They also offer genuine Mircosoft office software to low-income families. You can visit their official website to get more information.


Along with the government, this organization works to provide free laptops for low-income families and needy individuals. In order to be eligible for this program, you will have to check the eligibility criteria according to your state, as it differs from state to state. Those genuinely in need can contact and seek help from this organization.

Komputers for Kids

Komputers for Kids is another well-known organization working in Los Angeles and Orange county. This organization gives free laptops and computers to low-income and needy people.

The organizations collect the old PCs and laptops from people willing to give them away, refurbishing them to offer to the needy. If the old collected gadgets are not working, then they are recycled.

World Computer Exchange

World Computer Exchange is an organization that works with the government, schools, libraries, and many other such organizations to help those in need. You can contact and request this organization if you need a free laptop or PC.

You can explain your situation to them; depending on that, they will try their best to give you a free laptop or PC. The organization mainly focuses on bridging the digital divide in developing countries.


You must have heard about Freecycle at one point in your life. This online website is one of the best opportunities for people to get a lot of stuff for a free or low cost. You can get anything and everything right from food, groceries, furniture, tablets, mobile phones, laptops, computers, beds, and so on from this website.

Freecycle is a not-for-profit organization that volunteers run. The website has a variety of items and commodities, including laptops and computers. It also has a user-friendly interface, so that won’t be an issue if you are new to it.

With Causes Help for free laptop

Last but certainly not least is the organization – With Causes. Please do not confuse it with Computer with causes as both are very different organizations with the same end goal. After applying for their program, you can get refurbished laptops and computers through this organization.

Read More :-   How to get a Laptop with the EBB Program


How Can I get a free laptop from the government?

You can get a free laptop from the government using any of the above methods or organizations. You can also seek help from NGOs and other ways to get a free laptop.

How do I qualify for a free computer?

In this article, we have mentioned the qualifications for a free computer. If you are eligible for some government programs for low-income families like Medicaid, SNAP, etc., you will also be eligible for some free computer programs.

How do I get a free laptop from the government?

You can apply for the various government programs for a free laptop through which you can get a free laptop from the government.

How do low-income families get free computers?

Low-income families can get free computers and laptops from various Non-profit organizations and government programs. If you are eligible for certain government programs like Medicaid, etc., you will also be eligible for free laptop programs.

Why does an organization want food stamp entitlement?

An organization that offers free laptops to the needy will want a food stamp entitlement because they know that those who have a food stamp entitlement have undergone the low-income test. So if some people have the food stamp entitlement, they will automatically be eligible for the other help and programs per their needs.

How can I get a free laptop in 2023?

There are several organizations out there that can help you get a free laptop 2023 like Komputer for Kids, With causes, the On it foundation, Alliance for Technology Refurbishing and Reuse, Everyone On, National Cristina Foundation, Microsoft Registered Refurbishers, Smartriverside, Computer with Causes, and so on.

Concluding Words

That was about How to get a free laptop with food stamps in 2023. I hope you have all found and can understand the article of use. Feel free to ask us in the comment section below if you have any queries. We will be glad to help you out.

As you might have understood from the article above, there are several ways to get a free laptop Using Food Stamp. All you need to do now is make sure you are eligible for such programs and apply for them.

Also, if you have any additional information about How to get a free laptop with food stamps or similar programs to get free laptops and computers, please let us know in the comment section below. It will be helpful for many.

We hope the article helped you!

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