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How to Get NewPhone Wireless Free iPhone

Get NewPhone wireless free iPhone
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It goes without saying that most of us would love to have a NewPhone wireless free iPhone. If you are looking for such and wondering How to Get NewPhone Wireless Free, then look no more. In this article, we have mentioned the ways to get NewPhone Wireless free iPhone. All you need to do now is go to the article below, read it well and see how to get NewPhone wireless free phone.

What is NewPhone Wireless?

For those of you who did not know what NewPhone exactly is, NewPhone Wireless is one of the leading network providers of the US that comes under the Lifeline and Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) services program.

NewPhone Wireless is an affiliate company that offers free cell phones and wireless services to those in need. It is quite obvious that many people are in need of a phone but cannot afford it.

For such situations, the government offers the Lifeline government assistance program as well as the temporary EBB program. Through this program, the government provides needed help to low-income families and individuals.

NewPhone Wireless is known to be one of the best government service providers. The eligible subscribers of this network can get both free 4G/5G LTE smartphones and free monthly cell phone services. Such benefits through this program can help individuals and needy families to stay connected with people, and further improve lifestyle and get opportunities.

Now that you are well aware of what NewPhone Wireless is, you can read the guide below on How to get a NewPhone Wireless Free iPhone.

Why Does NewPhone Wireless Offer Free Cell Phone Services?

NewPhone Wireless is one of the most well-known government programs that offer great service to its customers. The provider has been serving people for over 10 years, and they have a customer base of over a million.

NewPhone Wireless understands the importance of customer satisfaction and the need for connectivity in today’s world. Through the NewPhone program, one will get a premium device like NewPhone free iPhone, Samsung Galaxy S7, and similar other devices.

NewPhone also offers other services such as unlimited text messages and unlimited talk time and data. This Network Service provider offers a nationwide network service that is available all across the US.

How to Get NewPhone Wireless Free

In order to get NewPhone Wireless free iPhone or devices, you will have to apply for Free iPhone devices. But before you apply for the program, you will have to make sure that you are eligible for this program.

Due to the limited resources available, such programs generally have eligibility criteria to ensure that the needy get the resources. For the proper and fair allocation of resources, such programs have eligibility criteria.

Eligibility for NewPhone Wireless Free iPhone

In order to be eligible for NewPhone Wireless Free iPhone, one must meet at least one or more conditions from the below –

  • One must have an income below the 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
  • They must meet the eligibility for the provider’s
  • One must have received a federal Pell Grant in the current award year.
  • They should have experienced a loss of income owing to job loss since February 29, 2020, and the household had a total income of or below $99,000 for single filers and $198,000 for joint filers in 2020.
  • One must be a participant of federal or state programs like Medicare, Lifeline, SNAP, Medicaid, and so on.
  • One must be approved to get benefits from the free and low-price school breakfast or lunch program. This can include the USDA community eligibility provision of the school years- 2019-2020, 2020-2023, or 2023-2023.
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We recommend you to check the eligibility criteria through the official website of NewPhone wireless.

Essential documents for NewPhone Wireless Free iPhone

Below is the list of essential documents that you will have to provide to NewPhone Wireless to get benefits through their program.

For identity proof, one must provide any of the below-mentioned documents –

  • Driver’s license
  • State ID card
  • ID
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (individual) with name and date of birth
  • Social security number
  • Passport

For your eligibility, you will have to provide the below documents –

  • A document proves that you are a recipient of the Pell Grant in the current academic year.
  • Federal or Tribal notice letter of participation in General assistance
  • Income Statement
  • Tax return in 2019 or 2020
  • Recent Tribal TANF letter or card
  • Current BIA card
  • Award letter for Free or reduced school meal
  • Statement of Unemployment
  • Statement of Veterans Administration benefits
  • Other documents prove your household income is 135% or less than federal poverty guidelines.
  • Other documents prove your participation in a qualifying government assistance program.

How to Apply for NewPhone Wireless Free iPhone

Given below is an easy guide on how to apply for A NewPhone Wireless Free iPhone. All you need to do now is follow the below steps to apply for NewPhone wireless device for free –

Step 1: First of all, go to the official NewPhone website at – newphone.com. On this page, you will see the option of ‘Apply for 4G/5G LTE Free Smartphone Now’. Tap on it and fill in the required credentials like email ID and ZIP code to apply for a NewPhone wireless phone free.

Step 2: After you have filled in the application form, the information and data you have provided will be verified through the secure system of the government. You do not have to worry about your documents; they will be confidential.

Step 3: After your application has been approved, you will receive the monthly service discount and get free NewPhone wireless. You will mostly receive your free NewPhone iPhone in 7 to 10 business days. Also, the shipping will be free, so you need not worry about that.

Benefits of NewPhone Wireless

You can get a number of benefits as part of the NewPhone Wireless Program worth $750 per year. Some of the best benefits are as follows –

  • Free 4G/5G LTE Smartphone that could be a premium device such as Samsung Galaxy S7, iPhone 6s, or any such other device. Through this, one can always stay connected with their family friends and also be able to keep in touch with the work and job opportunities.
  • Through this program, the eligible applicants can get monthly unlimited data. This can help you get access to affordable internet service. You can easily attend online classes as well as work from home.
  • You get unlimited monthly talk time and unlimited text messages service.
  • Having a phone of your own can help you seek help in emergencies if need be.

How Do I Activate My NewPhone Free Phone?

In order to Activate My NewPhone Free Phone, all you need to do is call on 611. After making the call, press the option of ‘3’. Then, you will get a message on your device that your NewPhone has been successfully activated.

Once you get this confirmation message, you can start using your NewPhone device. Just note that if you are activating a NewPhone that has already been activated, then you will receive a text that states your device has already been activated.

What are the Limitations for NewPhone Wireless Government Free Phone

As you might already know, NewPhone Wireless free phone is a government phone. With this comes one major limitation, that is – one household can get only 1 free device. But that is not just it. Along with that, there are other restrictions as well. These are mentioned below.

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The NewPhone Wireless Lifeline program provides only one NewPhone connection for a particular household. The NewPhone subscribers will have to meet the criteria of eligibility in order to get the Lifeline Service benefits. The criteria for Lifeline program eligibility have been mentioned above.

If the subscriber changes their address, then they will have to immediately notify the NewPhone Wireless within a period of 30 days. Suppose the subscriber does not participate anymore in at least one of the federal or state government programs. In that case, Within 30 days, they have to inform NewPhone wireless of this update.

You will have to inform NewPhone Wireless if you are no longer receiving discounts from such programs or meeting the criteria for the Lifeline discount. The subscriber who is applying for the service should certify that they are not participating in any of the other Lifeline programs.

If you are a NewPhone Wireless subscriber who has provided a temporary residential address, then you should verify the temporary address in every 90 days. The subscriber has to acknowledge that they may have to re-certify the continued eligibility for the lifeline program at any time.

The subscriber has to keep in mind that providing any false information for Lifeline program benefits is punishable by law. They are required to affirm that all the documents, processes done while applying for NewPhone Wireless Lifeline service are true and to the best of their knowledge.

What to do if your NewPhone Wireless Phone gets damaged, stolen, broken, or lost?

In case your NewPhone Wireless Phone gets damaged, stolen, broken, or lost because of the misuse by the subscriber then NewPhone will not be accountable or responsible for this and will not be accepting any refunds or provide any returns.

Nonetheless, the wireless devices that have been received or purchased directly from NewPhone wireless can be returned for a full refund within a period of 30 days of generating the receipt. If there is any defect in your NewPhone device, then you can contact their customer service at 1-855-204-3667 or email them at [email protected].

In case your NewPhone wireless device gets stolen or lost, then it is best to inform the company right away. For reporting the stolen or lost phone, you can contact the NewPhone Customer service at 1-855-204-3667 or emailing them at [email protected].

After you have notified the company about the status of your NewPhone device, your account will be suspended by them right away. So, if the subscriber does not find the device within 30 days or activates a new device from the suspension of the account, then the account will be deactivated. This will result in the loss of the phone number by the subscriber.


Is NewPhone wireless real?

NewPhone wireless is real. It is an affiliate company for which if you have applied on the newphone.com, then you will not be required to apply again. You will get the benefits through it.

How Good Is a NewPhone Free iPhone?

NewPhone can offer you a free iPhone 6 GMS model, which, although it is not the most advanced model from iPhone, does offer a great quality experience to the user.

What carrier is NewPhone wireless?

NewPhone wireless is a reseller of the carrier’s mobile broadband internet access network.

Does NewPhone Charge Any Cost for Free iPhones?

No. As government phones are free of cost, NewPhone will not charge anything for free phones.

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Can Seniors Get NewPhone Free iPhones?

Yes. Senior Citizens are eligible to get free phones. But they will have to be eligible for the NewPhone EBB or Lifeline program.

Can I Upgrade My NewPhone Free iPhone?

Yes. You can buy an upgrade NewPhone. But the upgrade phone will not be free, and you will have to pay for it.

Can I Switch to NewPhone?

Yes. You can switch to NewPhone as and when you wish to. In order to get a free NewPhone device, you should first be eligible for the EBB program or LifeLine program. You can sign up for this on apply.newphone.com.

How Can I Check My NewPhone Application Status?

For checking your NewPhone application status, you can visit the website at – apply.newphone.com/checkstatus. Here, you will have to enter the email address along with the ZIP code that you used when applying in the first place. After logging in, you will be able to see your application status along with other crucial information.

How Do APN Internet Settings for NewPhone Wireless iPhone Work?

To access the internet on your NewPhone, you will first be required to set up an APN. This APN is basically the name of the Internet Service Provider, which will allow you to connect to the public internet. Follow the below steps to set up NewPhone Wireless APN internet settings for iPhone –

  1. On your NewPhone device, go to the settings.
  2. Go to Mobile Data. 
  3. Select a Mobile Data Network.
  4. Enter the below information –

APN: internet

Username: (leave the space blank)

Password: (leave the space blank)

Can I Have Two NewPhone Free Phones?

No. One household can have only one free government phone.

Why Do I Need to Provide My Social Security Number?

When you provide your Social Security Number, it is easy to verify your Lifeline eligibility or EBB eligibility. This will act as one of the proofs for qualifying the benefits program or income as per the eligibility criteria. There is nothing to worry about as all of the information that you provide will be confidential.

How Long Will it Take to Receive Approval from NewPhone Wireless?

Typically, it can take over 20 to 30 minutes to get an application approved from NewPhone Wireless. However, in some cases, this procedure can take over 3 to 4 days or longer. Such a delay might happen due to the confirmation required for proof documentation. As your application gets approved, you will see the same on your account, and you will also receive an email confirmation about the same.

When Will I Receive NewPhone Free iPhone and Free Service After I Sign Up?

After your order is complete, you can expect your NewPhone device to be shipped within 7 to 10 working days.

Will I Receive a Notification When My NewPhone iPhone Is Shipped?

Yes. You will receive a notification as soon as your NewPhone device is Shipped. You will be sent an email notification. This email would contain a tracking number using which you will be able to track your order. You should also keep checking your spam folder for this email.

Concluding Words

I hope that the above article was of use to you all. In case you have any queries, do let us know in the comment section below. We will be glad to help you out. Also, if you have any suggestions for us, or want us to write on any topics, then feel free to let us know in the comment section. We hear you!

Stay tuned for more such helpful articles!

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