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How to get a free Tablet with EBT (Try This Now)

How to get Free Tablet with EBT Food Stamps 2022
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Are you pondering the possibility of obtaining free tablets with ebt? Are you asking yourself, “Can I get free tablets with ebt in 2023?” If these questions are swirling in your mind, you’ll be pleased to discover that we’re addressing all of them in the following article.

Tablets have undeniably become a crucial tool for human communication and the exploration of opportunities in areas such as education, employment, healthcare, and beyond. They serve as a fantastic source of entertainment, enabling users to stream videos, play games, and engage in a host of other activities.

Much like mobile phones, tablets are highly portable and offer a range of features akin to a laptop. However, the cost of tablets can be a barrier for many, making them less accessible. This is where government initiatives and numerous NGOs step in.

In an effort to ensure low-income families have access to digital resources like tablets, various government and non-profit organizations provide free Tablets with EBT. That’s correct! There are numerous federal government assistance programs and NGO initiatives designed to help low-income individuals obtain tablets at no cost.

If you’re asking, “How can I get a Free Tablet with Food Stamps?”, continue reading to learn more.

We’ve compiled all the necessary information for low-income individuals to secure a free tablet with food stamps. This includes how to apply for free tablets with ebt, the eligibility criteria for obtaining a free EBT Tablet, and alternative ways to get a free tablet EBT for those who may not be eligible for EBT. Read on to discover more.

How to get a free tablets with ebt?

How to get Free Tablet with EBT

If you are wondering ‘Is it possible to get a Free Tablet with Food Stamps?’, then yes, quite easily by applying through the official website of a participating service provider.

It is common to question ‘How Do I Get a Free Tablet With Food Stamps ?’ since EBT food stamps can only be used to get free food and groceries. Well, the answer is quite simple.

SNAP EBT Food Stamps is a federal government assistance program that helps low-income families get food for free or at an affordable cost. If you are a participant in the EBT SNAP program, you are naturally below the poverty line and eligible for government benefits.

Since the Affordable Connectivity Program, which is a federal program that helps low-income families get access to smartphones, tablets, computers, and telecommunication services, you also become eligible for ACP.

Thus, you can apply for a free ACP tablet with EBT, if you are a participant in the SNAP Program. Many network service providers will directly accept your application if you apply for a free tablet with SNAP EBT through their official website.

In this article below, we have enlisted all the great options you have to get free tablet for low-income people and also information about the network service providers that take EBT.

An organization that offers free tablets with ebt Contact  Features
Q Link Wireless https://qlinkwireless.com/
  • Free tablet, Free talk time, text messages, and high-speed internet data.
T-Mobile https://www.t-mobile.com/
  • Free tablet from government
  • Free high-speed internet data, free talk time, and text messages.
StandUp Wireless https://standupwireless.com/
  • Free government phone standup wireless
  • Unlimited talk time text messages and internet data.
Easy Wireless https://myeasywireless.com/
  • Get free government smartphone ACP.
  • Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and ACP eligible Tribal Lands.
SafeLink Wireless https://www.safelinkwireless.com/
  • Free government Lifeline ACP smartphone, talk time, text messages, and high-speed internet data
The Salvation Army https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/
  • Helps with tablets and internet connectivity to asylum seekers and refugees among others.
EveryoneOn https://www.everyoneon.org/
  • Helps connect with internet and digital resources
The On It Foundation https://theonitfoundation.org/
  • Free tablets, smartphones, computers, laptops for low-income eligible people
Computers For Learning https://computersforlearning.gov/
  • Free computers, tablets, laptops for community centers, schools, etc.
Affordable Connectivity Program/ Emergency Broadband Benefit https://www.fcc.gov/acp
  • Up to $100 discount on the purchase of tablet, smartphone, laptop, computer, etc.
Freecycle https://www.freecycle.org/
  • Free/low-cost tablet near me, smartphone, etc.
Craigslist https://www.craigslist.org/
  • Free to use and get free/low-cost tablets, smartphones, etc.

Eligibility Criteria to get a free government tablet with ebt

In order to get a free government tablet with ebt, you must be eligible for the SNAP EBT Food Stamps program. For this, you need to have a gross monthly income at or below 130 percent of the poverty line. 

The assets too should fall below a certain limit. For households without a member who is age 60 or above, or a disabled person, the assets should be at or below $2,750, and for families with no such members, the assets should be $4,250 or less.

We have covered all ways to get a free tablet here you can check that Free Government Tablet for Low Income

Best Providers For Free Tablets With EBT 2024

Given below are some of the most well-known and reliable network service providers that offer Free Tablets With EBT in 2024. You can visit the official websites of any of the below network companies and apply for a free tablet with EBT online.

  • Q Link Wireless

Free Tablet from Q Link Wireless via EBT


Q Link Wireless is a popular network service provider in the US that offers Free Tablets With EBT to eligible low-income families. You can get a free tablet, free unlimited data, text messages, talk, and more with this service provider.

Q Link Wireless participates in them Federal government assistance programs – ACP and Lifeline to help low-income families get access to technology and digital resources such as tablets, laptops, smartphones, computers, and so on along with internet connectivity at affordable prices.

You can get free tablets with Food Stamps as well as with other government programs like SSI, Medicaid, WIC, etc.

All you need to do is go to the official website of QLink and apply for the free tablet program.

Website: https://enroll.qlinkwireless.com/signup?signupModal

  • T-Mobile

free tablet with EBT Via T-Mobile


Another popular telecommunication company in the US offers a free tablet with EBT via T-Mobile. This well-known service provider helps low-income families get access to devices such as tablets and Smartphones to stay connected with close ones and the world.

The new federal Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is available through Metro by T-Mobile. You can get tablets like Moxee Tablet, Alcatel Joy tab 2, and so on with T-Mobile. They also offer unlimited tablet data and 20 GB of hotspots. 

Once you meet the eligibility criteria for their programs, you will be able to get a free tablet with EBT for low-income people.

The type of devices that a customer might receive is not known exactly. Generally, it depends on the availability, and you can expect a mid-range tablet/smartphone.

Read More :-   Whoop Connect Free Tablets

You can visit their official website link belong to get more information on the services offered by the.

Website: https://www.t-mobile.com/

  • StandUp Wireless

StandUp Wireless is a Lifeline and ACP provider that offers free tablets, smartphones, and cell phone service plans for free or at low cost to low-income families.

You can apply to get a free tablet with SNAP (EBT), Medicaid, SSI, Veterans Pension, Public Housing, and other Federal government benefit programs.

You can get a Free tablet, 10GB of High-Speed Data – 5G/4G LTE, Unlimited Additional Data, Unlimited Talk & Text, and so on with their Lifeline and ACP bundled Benefits. They offer Nationwide Coverage and thus are a reliable network.

The process to apply is quite easy as well. All you need to do is go to the official website of StandUp Wireless and then fill in the online application form to get free tablet. You will qualify through the National Verifier and soon get your free tablet/smartphone through the mail.

Website: https://standupwireless.com/

  • Easy Wireless

Another popular service provider that participates in the affordable connectivity program and the lifeline assistance program to help low-income families get affordable telecommunication services is Easy Wireless.

You can get Free Unlimited Data & hotspots, Talk & Text, and free tablets or Smartphones, a Free SIM Card kit and Activation, with Easy Wireless. You can apply for their program via Food Stamps or SNAP, Medicaid, Veterans, and Survivors Pension Benefit, etc.

If you want to qualify for ACP-only benefits from Easy Wireless, then you can also apply through National School Lunch Program, WIC, Pell Grants, etc.

Website: https://myeasywireless.com/

  • SafeLink Wireless

In collaboration with the lifeline assistance program and affordable connectivity program, Safelink Wireless provides free talk time, text messages, and high-speed internet data.

This Lifeline and ACP participating service provider is known to offer free tablets and smartphones to low-income from the government and also cell phone service plans for free.

Their ‘Keep Your Own Smartphone‘ plan will allow you to have your own device and get the cell phone monthly service plan benefits through Lifeline.

Website: https://www.safelinkwireless.com/

I don’t have EBT Card, Can I get a free tablet from the government?

I don't have EBT Card, Can I get a free tablet from the government

YES. Even if you don’t have EBT Card, you can still get a free tablet from the government. The eligibility criteria for EBT food stamps are quite strict, and not everyone would be eligible for it.

Generally, people at or below the income level of 135% are eligible for EBT food stamps.

Due to the limited number of resources available to the government, it can only help certain people and many of them are still left from getting any assistance from the government.

Thankfully, for such people, there are various initiatives taken by the government and non-profit organizations and various other ways using which one can get a free tablet for low-income people.

You can get more information about this in the below section.

Non-Profit Organizations that offer free tablets with Food Stamps for low-income people

Non-Profit Organizations that offer free tablet with EBT

Given below are some of the most popular non-profit entities that help people get free tablets with food stamps or without EBT. As you may know that not everyone will be eligible for the Snap EBT food stamps program since it is specifically for low-income families. 

In case you are not a participant of the snap EBT program, you can still get a free Tablet from the government either through any of the other Federal government assistance programs or by directly applying for the Affordable Connectivity Program.

Another great alternative for this is to see help from any of the below no one profit organizations whose aim is to help low-income families get access to digital resources for free or at affordable cost.

  • The Salvation Army

Who has not heard of The Salvation Army? It is one of the most well-known for its humanitarian work across the globe, which helps low-income families and needy people in all possible ways.

Those who are in need of it can get help with almost anything – food, clothing, shelter, grocery, furniture, online learning, food banks, and so on.

Since the year 1865, the Salvation Army has been helping people with essential things in life. This also includes help with smart devices such as tablets, smartphones, laptops, computers, etc.

They can also help you with internet connectivity. Their main objective is to bridge the digital divide between people who can and cannot access digital resources. 

As a part of one of their initiatives, this non-profit entity helps refugees and Asylum seekers in learning the English language so they can adjust to the new life.

To do this, they provide smart devices to needy people who can use them to take online English language classes. 

To get more information about the official website of the Salvation Army, go to the link mentioned below or you can also visit their nearby local office and get more information from their volunteers on how to get free tablet from the Salvation Army.

  • EveryoneOn

EveryoneOn is a non-profit entity with a major focus on the area of digital technology and helping low-income families and less fortunate people get access to technology services.

They help people in finding low-cost internet and computers and up until now they have provided as many as 5000 free computers to needy families and helped around 1,000,000 people connect to internet services.

The main objective of this organization is to bridge the digital divide gap between people who can and cannot access digital technology and services like the Internet. They can help you with tablets, laptops, computers, smartphones, and much more.

Their popular program – ConnectHomeUSA helps the residents of public housing in the US and by far they have provided access to the internet and other resources to over 37% of the HUD-assisted households with children going to school.

  • The On It Foundation

Yet another organization that focuses on technology and related services is the on it Foundation. As the name itself suggests, the On It Foundation stands for ‘Opportunities Necessary to Increase Technology’. 

The main motive of this entity is to help low-income families and people get access to digital resources such as tablets, laptops, smartphones, computers, etc. They also help with internet services for those who cannot afford them.

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The On It Foundation collaborates with a number of Educational Institutes, Other non-profit entities, local businesses, computer access centres, and other community agencies.

This organization typically helps less privileged families that have at least one school-age child studying in grades from K-12.

You can go to their official website to get more information about ‘how to get free tablets from non-profit organizations?’

  • Computers For Learning

As you can guess by the name itself, this non-profit entity too helps low-income families and needy people with digital resources computers, tablets, laptops, etc.

This organization realizes the significance of Technology resources, especially for low-income families who cannot afford these services. To help them explore more opportunities in the crucial areas of education and employment, etc., and come out of the poverty cycle.

This program basically ensures that everyone gets an equal opportunity to access Technology Services. Through this program, federal agencies are required to distribute laptops, tablets, computers, and similar devices to Educational Institutes, community centres, and other non-profit entities.

The main Idea behind this program is to divert any excess research equipment available with various federal Agencies and departments to institutes like schools where everyone can use day equipment to acquire knowledge. 

As of now, this program is available in the United States, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Other ways to get free tablets with food stamps

As we have mentioned above, the government is quite restricted when it comes to giving away free resources to low-income families since the number of resources available is much less with them compared to the number of applications received for free tablets.

The government tries to allocate these resources efficiently to the people who are in need of it. Hence they have quite strict criteria for eligibility to get free government tablets with EBT.

Only those low-income families who were eligible for their program will get a free tablet. Consequently, this leaves a lot of people, still in genuine need of a free tablet, out of the program.

It is quite obvious that not everyone would get a free Tablet from the government. 

But don’t worry, since we have got some other alternative ways to get a free tablet with EBT.

Even if you do not meet the eligibility criteria of low income or do not have a SNAP EBT card, you will still be able to get a free tablet with EBT or without EBT.

Given below are some of the tried and tested best ways to get a free tablet for low-income people with EBT or without EBT.

You can try any and all of these methods using which, most probably, you will end up getting a tablet for free for yourself.

  • Affordable Connectivity Program/ Emergency Broadband Benefit

The Federal government runs a popular FCC benefits program to provide free government Smartphone and telephone service plans to low-income eligible households.

This program is known as the Affordable Connectivity Program, earlier known as the Emergency Broadband Benefits program.

Through the ACP program, the government tries to help less fortunate people in getting access to technology and internet services by providing them with smart devices such as tablets, laptops, smartphones, computers, etc.

Eligible people can also get huge discounts on monthly cell phone service plans. 

You can get up to 30% discount per month on internet services for eligible families. this discount can further go up to $75 per month for households on qualifying tribal lands.

Not just that, but those who are eligible for the affordable connectivity program can also get a one-time discount of $100 to buy a tablet, laptop, or Computer from any of the participating service providers. 

QLink Wireless, SafetyNet Wireless, StandUp Wireless, TruConnect Wireless, Safelink Wireless, etc. are some of the ACP participating service providers. 

Eligibility for ACP program:

In order to be eligible for ACP free tablet, you must either be a participant in any of the Federal government assistance programs such as Lifeline, SNAP, Medicaid, SSI, LIHEAP, TANF, etc.

Or you must meet the eligibility criteria through income, which requires you to have a household income of at or below $200. 

You can apply for this program with the help of the link mentioned below. you also have the option to select the participating service provider of your choice.

Website: https://www.fcc.gov/acp

Contact: (877) 384-2575

  • Look Online on Craigslist, Freecycle

If you are looking for a free tablet with EBT near me, then one of the best options you have is to use the official website like Freecycle or Craigslist.

For those of you who do not know, these online platforms are basically websites where you can sell and buy old and used items at cheaper prices.

Such websites help people recycle old items that they no longer wish to use and also those people in need of such items can buy them at a low cost or get them for free.

You can find almost any and everything on these websites and the best part is that they are free to use. Certainly, many people might also sell smartphones or tablets for low cost on these websites.

To use these websites and get a free tablet, all you need to do is create an account on any or both of them and enter basic information about you like name, location, and requirements. Then search for a free tablet and you may find a free EBT tablet near me.

  • Participate in Giveaways

 A lot of social media influences and brands conduct giveaways on their official social media handles with the objective to connect to their potential audience in a rewarding way.

Many of these entities will require you to do simple tasks like following their official handles on social media apps like- Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc. You know also be required to like some of their posts and Tag people you know in the comments.

By performing such simple tasks, you may be one of the lucky winners to get a free tablet, cash prize, and other rewards from the giveaway. 

All you will have to do is follow and stay updated with the official accounts of Technology influencers, Technology brands, and other social media influencers that conduct giveaway contests every now and then.

  • Ask Churches for Help

One of the most helpful places that you can turn to in any situation is your nearby Church. Whatever it may be that you need help with, most churches will help you with the same.

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Generally, Churches receive huge donations from generous individuals and businesses. they use this amount to help those in need. 

Since not everyone would be eligible for the free tablets with EBT Card and even through other programs like Lifeline free tablet or ACP free tablet, churches tend to be one of the best options to get a free tablet or laptop.

If you are facing any emergency or need a tablet on an urgent basis, then you can visit your nearby Local Search and ask for help. You will have to explain your situation to the respective authorities, and they will surely help you in one way or the other.

There is a program called Medicaid that is helping people to get Free Tablet with Medicaid.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most commonly asked questions about tablets with EBT Food Stamps. While searching for it, you might have doubts about how to get free EBT tablets. You can refer to the questions below to get clarity on the same.

Where can I get a free tablet with food stamps?

You can get a free tablet with food stamps EBT through various ways, either by applying for the Affordable Connectivity Program ACP, also known as the emergency broadband benefit EBB program.

Or else you can also reach out directly to various service providers such as QLink Wireless, T-Mobile, Easy Wireless, etc. There are some Charity organizations as well that will accept EBT to offer free tablets.

Can I apply for a free laptop with an EBT card?

Yes, you can apply for a free laptop with EBT card. Similar to the free tablet program, the ACP program also offers huge discounts on purchases of laptops and computer desktops.

If you have EBT food stamps, then you become eligible for ACP through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) program. Thus, you can get free laptop with EBT food stamps. 

How to get a T-Mobile free tablet for seniors?

You can easily get a free T-mobile tablet for senior citizens by applying for the ACP/EBB program. You can expect to get tablets such as Samsung Tab E, Apple iPad, or LG PadX 8.0 through government assistance programs.

Apart from this, there are also many Charity non-profit organizations that particularly help elder people in getting access to digital resources such as tablets and internet connectivity.

How to get a free phone and tablet with EBT?

To get a free phone and tablet with EBT SNAP program, you must apply for the ACP Affordable Connectivity Program, which is a federal assistance program that helps low-income families access digital resources such as tablets, smartphones, and laptops, internet connectivity, and more.

By checking your eligibility, you can apply for this program online and get free government tablet with EBT after getting approval from the respective authorities.

You can also directly apply for ACP benefits through the participating service provider, such as StandUp Wireless, T-Mobile, Easy Wireless, etc., through their official website and get free tablet with EBT.

What are the Documents Required to Apply for EBT Program?

In order to apply for the EBT SNAP program and get free Tablet from the government, you will have to submit certain documents as proof of the information entered by you in the online EBT application form.

These documents would generally include your proof of Identity such as SSN, Driver’s license, Passport, Permanent Resident Card, Government ID card, etc., and your Proof of address such as rent receipt, utility bills, mortgage statement, lease agreement, etc.

You will also be required to submit your proof of income in the form of documents that show your earnings and the number of hours for which you work. These documents would generally include Pay Stubs, letters from employers, etc.

What are the benefits of receiving a free tablet with food stamps?

By receiving a free tablet with food stamps, you can get to explore a number of options along with internet connectivity right from education, employment, lifestyle, Healthcare, and much more.

Who does not like free things? Anything free is always a good thing. Tablets are generally very expensive and cannot be afforded by many low-income families. This keeps them away from the plethora of opportunities that would otherwise be available to them. 

A free tablet can help them not only stay connected with their loved ones, get the opportunity to explore numerous options online. It can be a great means of entertainment via streaming videos, playing games, and so on. 

Not just that, but having a tablet can help you in the most important activities of your daily life, such as attending classes online, adding courses to your extracurricular activities, searching for job opportunities, and even online.

Concluding Words

Smartphones, devices like tablets, laptops, etc., and internet connectivity have become essential in today’s lives.

Almost all the basic services such as financial, emergency, entertainment, and, most importantly, the connectivity medium are linked with smartphones and tablets.

Hence, it becomes essential to access technology – tablets and the internet- to stay connected with the world and match its pace. But not everyone can afford these digital resources or tablets since they are quite expensive.

This can create a digital divide between people who can afford these resources and those who cannot, making it difficult for low-income people to escape the vicious cycle of poverty.

Thanks to government initiatives such as the Affordable Connectivity Program and the Lifeline Assistance program, low-income eligible households can get free tablets with EBT and any other federal government assistance program.

It is also noteworthy that many service providers, like QLink Wireless, Easy Wireless, StandUp Wireless, etc., have come forward to help needy people by directly offering them free tablets with EBT. 

In case you are someone who is not eligible for EBT Food stamps, then you don’t have to worry since there are various other ways using which you can get free tablet for low-income families, such as non-profit organizations, websites like Freecycle, craigslist, help from Churches, and so on.

If you have any queries or anything relevant to share with us, feel free to ask us in the comment section below. We will be glad to help you out.