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enTouch Wireless Application Status (One Click Check)

enTouch Wireless Application Status
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Have you filled up the enTouch Wireless application form but have not received any enrollment confirmation till now? If yes, then you should not feel any kind of stress. You can check the enTouch wireless application status online without any ado.

enTouch is a partnering company of the Lifeline and the ACP program that has been generating welfare programs for low-income Americans. But sometimes, the application confirmation gets delayed due to some reasons. These reasons can occur due to some common mistakes that you have made when you submitted the application form.

Let’s read this article to know how to Check enTouch wireless application status:

Can I know the enTouch wireless application status?

Yes, you can know your enTouch application status easily. You don’t need to visit any third-party website. You can check the status of your application via the official website of enTouch Wireless. This article covers all the necessary details regarding the enTouch wireless application. Hence, read the whole article and get approval on your application in no time.

How can enTouch Wireless company help me?

enTouch Wireless is a partnering company of the Lifeline service and the ACP program. This can help you by offering government welfare programs that are given to the eligibles of the Lifeline and ACP programs. If you enroll for the Lifeline service through the enTouch wireless company, you will get the following benefits:

  • You can get top-notch quality large-screen phones from the top brands.
  • You will get unlimited data, local calling minutes, international minutes, and free text messages.
  • You will not have to pay any fees. This is a zero-chargeable service.

How can I track the status of my enTouch Wireless application online?

Many days before, you filled out the enTouch wireless application form for getting the beneficiary schemes under the Lifeline service and the ACP program. But still, you have not got any response from the enTouch wireless team. Now, you don’t have any idea what to do. You don’t need to bother with that. You can track the status of your enTouch wireless application status without going through any long procedure. There are many quick and easy ways to do this.

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Method 1: Logging into My Account:

Follow the following steps to make it possible:

  • Go to the official website of enTouch Wireless.
  • Navigate to the My Account on the home page.
  • Click on My Account.
  • Then, view the items in the My Account bar.
  • Select the option of check status.
  • Enter your application registration ID generated after submitting the application form along with the ZIP code.
  • Now, you can view the status of your application.

Method 2: Do the Live Chat

You can do the live chat with the enTouch Wireless customer representative and can post your query regarding your application status. Follow the following steps to do it:

  • Go to the website of enTouch Wireless.
  • Scroll down the screen to the bottom.
  • Go to the option of Get Help.
  • Post your query there.
  • If the live chat is closed, enter your full name with an email address.
  • Then, post your message in the box.
  • The customer care representative will contact you soon.

Method 3: Customer Care Center

You should make a call to the customer care representative at 1.866.488.8719. When you ask a query from the representative, he will ask for your verification details from you. Then, he will tell you how long you will have to wait for approval.

Method 4: Send an Email

Check out this option to see how your application is progressing. Email [email protected] if you have any questions. Within a short period of time, you will receive a reply.

Why should I check the status of the enTouch Wireless application?

A delayed approval can signal rejection or any other error. Therefore, it is very necessary to know the status of the enTouch wireless application. Let’s understand it through the following points:

  • By checking the status, you will come to know when you will get the delivery of your phone.
  • You can identify if your ordered phone has been delivered at the wrong address.
  • You will come to know whether your application has been rejected.
  • You will be able to know which documents should be submitted for getting the approval.
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What can be the reasons behind the delayed approval of the enTouch Wireless application?

Usually, the applicant gets feedback from the enTouch wireless team within 3-4 days via email. But if you have still not got any feedback from the team because your application is under the procedure. It means that your application is delayed due to some reasons. Let’s see what those probable reasons can be in the following pointers:

  • It may be possible that the team of enTouch Wireless received many applications during that time. Therefore, the team is taking time to verify your application and send you approval via email.
  • The team is trying to verify your documents, but your documents are not accurate according to the requirements.
  • You have filled out the application form for getting a free phone, but you are not meeting the eligibility criteria for the ACP and Lifeline services.

What could be the reasons behind my rejected application form for enTouch Wireless?

Sometimes, the application forms are rejected by the enTouch Wireless team. This is very rare, but it happens due to some significant grounds. Let’s find out what mistakes can reject your application form for the enTouch wireless through the following pointers:

You are not eligible for the ACP (Affordable Connectivity Program) and Lifeline. You should be associated with any one government-funded scheme. Check out the names of those schemes here:

  • Lifeline Program
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA)
  • Medicaid (not Medicare)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Veterans and Survivors Pension Benefits
  • Federal Pell Grant in the current award year
  • Free and Reduced Price School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program including at US Department of Agriculture Community Eligibility Provision schools
  • Special Supplemental Nutritional Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
  • Additional programs applicable to subscribers residing on Tribal lands:
  • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR)
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance (BIA)
  • Tribally-Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Tribal Head Start (meeting income qualifying standards)
  1. Any other member of your family has already taken advantage of ACP and Lifeline services. This benefit will be imparted to only per person per household.
  2. Suppose you are not qualified based on the income guidelines in California. If there are 1-2 members in your family, then the gross income of your household should be at least $32,500. If there are three members in your family, the gross income of your household should be at least $37,700. Furthermore, if there are four members in your family, then the gross income of your household should be at least $45,900. For each additional member of the family, the gross income should be increased to $8,200.
  3. It may be possible that you have not submitted the benefit proof of the beneficiary scheme.
  4. If you have not filled out the information correctly in the application form, it will not be verified.
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Hope that you have come to know how to check the enTouch Wireless application status. Now, you will be able to know when you will get the delivery of the phone on time. Always remember that if you are eligible for the beneficiary programs, only then you can apply for the enTouch Wireless.